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TESIS Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca - "Sistemi e Tecnologie per le Strutture Sanitarie, Sociali e della Formazione"

ALZ - Architecture for Alzheimer Disease

The TESIS inter-university center has drawn up Guidelines for the design of nursing homes for Alzheimer patients on behalf of the Tuscany Region, with the aim of identifying, in addition to the conditions for reducing problems and difficulties in interacting patients and the environment in to which these are assisted, also the possibility of creating physical spaces with values ​​of therapeutic factor in the physical and psychical treatment of the pathology.
Following the elaboration of the Guidelines for permanent residential facilities, further studies were carried out regarding day-care centers and therapeutic gardens dedicated to this specific disease. Furthermore, a study was carried out on the adaptations to be implemented in the homes of those affected by this problem in its early stages of development.
The center carries out consultancy actions regarding the design or functional reorganization of the spaces dedicated to the reception of people suffering from Alzheimer's disease.


"Architettura per l'Alzheimer"  - Primo Volume - Regione Toscana, 2002.

"Architettura per l'Alzheimer" - Secondo Volume - Regione Toscana, 2002.

Opuscolo "Visioni Sfumate" - Regione Toscana, 2004.





2000 -
Scientific Coordinator

Prof. Roberto Bologna
(dal 2017)

Prof. Romano Del Nord

Tuscany Region
University of Florence

TESIS Research Centre
Research Group
Maria G. Giardinelli
Valentina Santi


last update: 07-Dec-2018
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