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TESIS Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca - "Sistemi e Tecnologie per le Strutture Sanitarie, Sociali e della Formazione"

Sensory-perceptive integrated design approach for Birth Spaces

The research, co-funded by Regione Toscana (fund POR FSE - GiovaniSì), USL Toscana Sud Est and the start-up DU IT, meet the international research goal on “Technologies for living environments” and promotes an integrated design approach for mother and child areas in public health-care structures, with a focus on birth spaces. Through a perspective related to users’ mental and physical well-being, the project aims to implement a prototype of a sensory space that can customized by options based on users’ sensory-perceptive profile. The prototype experimentation will take place in Grosseto Hospital, with a validation period through users’ direct participation and feedback.

2018 -
Scientific Coordinator 
Nicoletta Setola

USL Toscana Sud Est - Presidio Ospedaliero di Grosseto

University of Florence
TESIS Research Centre

DU IT s.r.l.

Research Group
Alessia Macchi
Eletta Naldi
Nicoletta Setola

last update: 03-Apr-2019
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