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CNETO Award 2019


The “Salutogenic Design for Birth Envitonment” project of the TESIS (DIDA-UniFI) research group led by Prof. Setola was awarded the title of Best Research Project of the CNETO Award.

A significant award established by CNETO (National Center for Building and Hospital Technology) with the aim of raising awareness of the various actors and stakeholders involved in the process of designing and building health and social-care facilities which recognizes the importance of research on maternity spaces that TESIS has been carrying out for years. 

These are the motivations of the Judgement Commettee of the Association which gathers experts in the main sectors of health activities:

 "The research aims to investigate how the physical environment in which birth occurs affects intrapartum intervention rates, exploring the physical and spatial characteristics that can support the design of spaces to promote the health and well-being  of women's, carers and health professionals involved in the maternity care.

The research project was supported by a scoping review on the subject to understand the direct and indirect impact of the physical environment on birth intervention rates, from which eight spatial topics and their related health impacts were derived. The winning project is fully part of the activities carried out by CNETO for the solutions and strategies adopted. "

The group is composed of Nicoletta Setola (scientific chair), Eletta Naldi, Alessia Macchi and Grazia Cocina (Polytechnic of Turin).

Please note the official link

Poster CNETO_A3-piccola

Foto premiazione CNETO media

12 March 2020
Unifi Home Page Dipartimento di Architettura

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